Thursday 17 July 2014


In this interdisciplinary project, graduate student Alexandre Jais turned out quick prototypes on his 3D printer at home.....

Interesting Story Line: 
Stanford engineers love to solve real world problems, and one recent example of this arises from a story about how researchers at Stanford Medical School turned a smartphone into an inexpensive tool for doing eye examinations in the field.
The idea is to use the smartphone’s built-in camera to take diagnostic images of the retina, optic nerve and other eye tissues. To accomplish this the researchers developed an adaptor that holds the smartphone and a magnification lens. The lens peers into the eye. The adaptor holds the smartphone camera at just the right distance from the lens to take a sharp picture of the magnified image of the inner eye.
Alexandre Jais, a graduate student in mechanical engineering, is part of the team that developed this adapter. He built the first prototypes on his personal 3-D printer and worked with the medical team to refine the adapter using equipment at the Stanford Product Realization Laboratory.
The new system allows ordinary medical practitioners to take eye scans and transmit them online to specialists for diagnosis.
“Think Instagram for the eye,” said one of the developers, assistant professor of ophthalmology Robert Chang, MD.
Jais became involved in the project last year after he met Chang at the StartX Medical Innovation Challenge, an event that encourages practical projects focused on health.

“We had a quick and dirty prototype ready within days and kept working on simpler designs that I could prototype using my 3D Printer at home” Jais said. “Having access to that home machine allowed me to iterate extremely quickly, and feedback from the physicians testing the device allowed us to refine the device for high definition prototyping at the PRL.”
The device has obvious benefits in the developing world, where it puts an inexpensive tool in the hands of ordinary medical practitioners in the remote locations.
But it could be just as relevant here in settings where time is of the essence.
“Imagine a car accident victim arriving in the emergency department with an eye injury resulting in a hyphema – blood inside the front of her eye,” Myung said. “Normally the physician would have to describe this finding in her electronic record with words alone. Smartphones today not only have the camera resolution to supplement those words with a high-resolution photo but also the data-transfer capability to upload that photo securely to the medical record in a matter of seconds.”
For Jais, the pace of the project has been as exciting as the outcome.
“I’m extremely happy to be part of the team, especially as more and more doctors are starting to use our device,” he said, adding that the team is getting funding to increase production, which will give him a chance to work on new engineering challenges.


One of the most popular courses run by the Product Realization Lab, ME 204 teaches students how to build bicycles, but also patience and project management.

In the summer of 2001, Ryan Connolly wanted to build a bicycle from scratch. Connolly, a master's student majoring in manufacturing systems engineering, had met a master frame builder in Palo Alto and convinced him to come to the Product Realization Lab (PRL) and share his knowledge.
That fall quarter, Connolly learned to design and build a frame and fork. In the winter quarter, he built all of the necessary tools, jigs and fixtures required to build not just a single frame, but many.
Word of his pet project spread throughout the lab, and by the spring quarter, Connolly himself was teaching a dozen students how to build their own bicycles. He never stopped. For the past dozen years, Connolly, now a lecturer in the Department of Mechanical Engineering's Design Group, has taught ME 204Bicycle Design and Frame-Building, one of the most popular courses offered at the PRL.
"It takes over a hundred hours, but when they leave this class, they will ride away on a bicycle that is as well designed and constructed as any bicycle from a custom shop," Connolly said.
Each year, about 12 students enter the two-quarter course with many of the skills required to build a bike – some can already weld and braze, but each student must already be comfortable working in the PRL. They start with a rough blueprint, and each week Connolly and Scott Kohn, who has co-taught the course for the past several years, lead the class through the next steps in the design and manufacturing process. The students start with lengths of steel tubing and learn how to manipulate several specialized bike tools used by professional bike builders to craft a frame.
"It's not just about making the frame," said Oliver Riihiluoma, who just completed his master's degree in mechanical engineering. "There are a hundred parts that go onto the frame, and you've got to figure out how to make them all work together. The frame needs to fit the wheels, the wheels need to be compatible with the brakes. You need to have a lot of patience and confidence in your design."
Many of the students who take ME 204 have aspirations of working in product design or similar roles after graduation. The experience of aligning hundreds of small steps is a great exercise in project management, said Kohn, a lecturer in the Department of Mechanical Engineering.
"They need to figure out what components they'll need, source them and order them in the correct sequence so that production doesn't slow down," Kohn said. "They need to weigh aesthetic decisions against practical considerations."
Building a bicycle is a surprisingly tall order, and the tiniest details can be the difference between a bike that glides and one that tips over. Align the front fork at the wrong angle, for example, and the front wheel will swivel erratically like a broken wheel on a shopping cart.
"Sometimes they make bad design decisions, and they have to start over," Kohn said. "Figuring out how to salvage some parts of the project and move on is a really useful experience."
The Conclusion:
"A lot of things that you build at Stanford, the motivation is to get a grade. You might spend a ton of hours making a prototype, or even a really polished product, but you still toss it at the end of the quarter," Riihiluoma said. "This bike is going to be with me a lot longer than that. It's awesome to graduate and take this with me."

Tuesday 17 June 2014

Brake System For Formula 1-Discover how the Brembo brake system for Formula One works !!

Brembo Explains Its F1 Brake Technology: Video





Sunday 15 June 2014


Any academic degree, let it be bachelors or masters, ends with a project work. The project work is one of the most critical parts of any academic degree. It is so important that it always decides what’s going to be next for the student. Let it be higher studies or industrial job, the whole career path (at least the starting point of that path) is based on the project work.

 I have noticed that there is a great lack of seriousness, planning and overall approach towards this most critical part of academics. Many of the students (not all of them fortunately) do not put required efforts for their academic projects and that’s the opportunity lost by them. Academic project is an opportunity for student to get ready for industrial jobs. It’s an opportunity to tell that yes, I am ready for facing industrial challenges!! Yes, I am the one you are looking for. So it’s simply most important opportunity lost if not done correctly.

There is big misunderstanding among students about why there is project work in academics and that too at the end of curriculum. Most of the students take project work as just small part of whole curriculum and feel that it is work required for getting some associated credits. At some point, it’s true, it does have credits (marks) associated with it. But that’s not all. That’s not the main purpose of including project work in curriculum. I think whoever has introduced project work in curriculum must have thought that this is the way student would able to apply their theoretical knowledge on something practical, some real life example. This is the way they can validate their theory understanding and see if what they have understood is correct or wrong. This is the way they learn the process of executing any project and get themselves ready for the industry. I think the whole idea of “applying/trying/validating their theoretical understanding to something practical is lost, the whole idea of understanding the project execution process is lost”. Students are just focused on either getting it done for getting the credits or they land up into defining very complex project. They lose the focus on understanding the project execution process. 
So don’t forget the basic purpose of why you are donging academic project. First satisfy this purpose and then maybe you can “try” something else.

Everything requires planning. You can off course do that without planning, but in most cases it takes more time to achieve same goal or some cases it becomes impossible. I believe every student should have goal about what career they want to do, what job they want to have, what company they want to work with. All this should happen at early stage of your academics. Best situation is that you select your engineering specialisation based on your end goal of job or career. Even if that does not happen, you should at least think of what career you want to have after your engineering. Visualize or talk to people in industry and find what it’s going to be if you work in manufacturing sector, design sector, as CFD engineer, as software developer etc. Visualize what is going to be your daily job and whether you would like to do it for many years. If yes, probably that’s the field you want to work in. Once you have finalized that field, you can think of what project work you need to do so that you will get that opportunity. I have seen many students getting attracted towards catchy titles and flashy words. Most of the time students do unplanned selection of the project, without any thought given on how this would help them in their dream career or job. The project selection is done based on what my senior has done and what job they got, how simple or complex project is, how easy going or difficult the project guide is. I think that should not be selection criteria, you should select project based on what you want to do in future. 
So, gold is awesome, but you are hungry, your goal is to eat something and satisfy the hunger, you cannot eat gold, you need something that you can eat. Take the project which falls into your overall career plan even its not as flashy as gold!!

Students just don’t understand how important the project work is in their academics. Most of the time, your job and higher education area are based on what your project is about. It is the most important aspect of your academic curriculum. I have seen computer science/electrical engineering people working as CFD/CAD software developers; I have seen mechanical engineers working in financial sectors. Although the engineering degree they got, the subjects that they have learned are different than what job they are doing. They got this opportunity only due to the project work they have done. I have seen students with bad grades getting great job opportunities than the one with A+ grading. Your project work is so critical that it has a potential of deciding your whole professional career. So give utmost importance to your project work, be serious about it. It’s not just another subject that you have to work for to get the associated grades. It’s more than that, definitely more than that!!

OK. So you have decided what project you want do. You selected project based on your career goal. It’s all good. But what about the knowledge/tools/techniques you need to know to do that project. You have to be very clear about the required knowledge to work on that project. Let it be fundamental knowledge or any software specific knowledge, you have to have that for doing the project. It’s very important to know what knowledge you already have and what new learning you need. You need to calculate how much time would be required to learn/refine the required tools/techniques and then see if you have that much time. If not, you may need to ask for more time, or reduce the complexity of project. I have seen many students wanting to do projects in CFD, but they do not have any fundamental knowledge, no knowledge about the software and surprisingly they want to do this in a month. It’s just impossible!! Everyone can learn everything, but everything needs time. If you do not have enough time, it’s impossible to learn.
So find what’s required for doing the project, understand what you already know and what new knowledge you have to learn and allocate required time.

Please pardon my language, the word is just fitting into the statement and yes, it’s very true!!
I think everyone knows the simple fact “Start early, go safe”. But I believe that most of the students just read this as statement but do not understand it when it comes to project work. I have seen students coming up with great project ideas, but many of them do not have sufficient time to work on the project. Due to lack of sufficient time, at the end they land up into just wrapping up the project work and great project idea just becomes a normal and regular project. When it comes to CFD projects (and I think this is true for any project), if you want to do it the prefect way, you need to give sufficient time. You need to learn CFD fundamentals, you need to learn software. It just needs time. Don’t start your project at the final semester. Start early. You may not work on the project directly, but during initial stage you can focus on learning required tools/techniques. By the time you finalize your project; you already have all required knowledge. You can then just focus on the project. If you start late, you will just get confused between “should I learn the required tools or should I work on the project”. Many students come to me and ask me that can I do this project in one month? I do not have any answer than saying “you are too late my friend, this is just impossible!!” 
So yes, “Start early, go slow, explore more, enjoy the journey, you deserve it if you start early”

All of us need a guide/mentor in most of the things that we do in life. Off course few of us are genius and they do just fine without guidance. Keeping these species apart, most of us seek guidance from seniors who has gone through similar situation, has done similar work. Your academic project is not an exception for this. You are diving into something new, something challenging, and you definitely need a guide during this journey. I feel that many students just don’t get required guidance. It’s a responsibility of student to find out what area professor has worked on, can the professor provide guidance for the project selected project. Just don’t select the guide based on who is easy going, who can give you good grades. Select a guide based on your project requirement (even if that would make your life bit difficult for some time!!). Find correct mentor for your project.
So, your project is like you are traveling in dark. You do need a good guiding light to walk on the path and finish the journey!! Find out how much darkness you are walking into and select a guiding light accordingly!!
“Everything is possible and everything is impossible too!!”  Most of the time, student falls into complex definition of the project. They do not understand that they have limited time, limited knowledge which makes projects impossible to complete and they land up into doing something which is not at all planned. You need to understand that moon is far away and to reach there you need enough time. Define simple projects to start with, complete the process and then may be try for extension of the project. 
When I was at IIT Bombay, I saw few of my friends working on their PhD. thesis. It was one of the best project/thesis works I have seen so far. But they worked for four years to complete the thesis. I can’t imagine what they would have done if they would have got only six months or one year for the topic they had worked on. Everything needs time and the amount of time required depends on how simple or complex project you have defined. Everything has its learning curve, needs time and we have to give it.
So understand what you are planning to do and what you are promising. See if you have enough time to do that. You can promise and reach to moon, but understand that it’s far away and you need enough time. Plan and promise based on how much time you have to work on it.

In many cases, I see lack of understanding the complexity of project. Many times, I see students saying “this is too simple work for my project!!” Even I see professors assigning complex topics to students. 
It is very essential to understand the complexity of project. When it comes to CFD projects, there are two levels of complexity, one is related to how complex geometry is, and other related to how complex physics is?
Let me give you example of both categories.
If you want to do water flow through pump or turbine, it’s a geometry which is complex. Physics is simple, incompressible flow of water without any heat transfer. 
If you want to combustion analysis within IC engine, geometry is relatively simple, but physics is complex. It has compressible, multiphase flow with combustion involved.
When you go for geometrically complex problems, you typically spend more time on pre-processing (geometry clean up and meshing). If you go for physics complexity, you typically spend more time on solution (equations, discretization etc.). Both types of project have different learning and different objectives.
Do not attempt the problems which involve both physics and geometrical complexity. If you want to work on complex physics, go for simple geometry. If you want to work with complex geometry, go for simple physics. 
So when you start selecting the project understand what the complexity of project is. Sometimes what you are defining as simple might be complex and what you are defining as complex might be impossible to do in given time frame. 

Most of the students say that the last task is the project defence (final project presentation). I think that’s not the case. You should make sure that you go out and present your work to complete engineering community. Go and present the work at conferences, go and publish the paper. That’s the end of your project (at least when you are at academics). Don’t just stop at final project presentation and be happy about the grades you got from your professors. Go and complete the process and extract maximum possible from the work. Project presentation/defence is just a small part of the process. If you do your project correctly, it’s definitely worth sharing that with the whole world not just with your professor. When you present it to outside world, you get chance to talk to experts in the field, you would get lot of inputs and that’s awesome learning experience.
So don’t just plant the seeds and grow them. Go and harvest the crops, you will enjoy that and you will get the best possible returns.

You need right tools for doing the job. Most of the time, we find that someone has done similar work before. But we do not focus on what tools they have used. With specific example of simulation projects, I have seen student referring to a paper where someone has used his own program and code for simulation. He/she may have taken years to do that. You want to do this using software; you don’t have enough time to write your own code. You need to have really a strong literature survey to find what tools and techniques someone has used for similar work. You need to think if you are planning to use same tools or are you planning for something different. You need to select right tools for doing the project. You can’t just expect that every tool can do everything. 
So do good literature surveys, find right tools, know the limitations of tools and then finalize which one you are going to use for your project.

Saturday 14 June 2014

Liberty's electric van looks quirky, but promises to "Deliver"

The DELIVER Electric Van Is A Sci-Fi Package Shipper

This funky-looking electric van prototype is built as a new generation of urban delivery vehicles developed by the DELIVER consortium, first shown to the public recently in Masstricht, Netherlands. It is the product of a European design process, which focuses on reducing the environmental impact of light commercial vehicles in urban areas. The acronym stands for Design of Electric Light Vans for Environment-Impact Reduction

Sports cars and crossovers are what tend to excite normal people, but I know that many of our readers are more excited by practical vehicles such as electric buses and electric vans. Here’s an interesting one that looks to me as if it’s out of Robocop. With more capacity than a comparable gasoline- or diesel-powered van, innovative driver features, and big fuel cost savings certain, it seems like this electric van could be a winner. Let’s hope it gets manufactured and there aren’t any significant issues preventing it from finding a decent place in the market.

Liberty's electric van looks quirky, but promises to "Deliver"

The van has a carrying capacity of 700 kg (1,540 lb), a quoted range of more than 100 km (62 m), and a top speed claimed to be in the order of 100 km/h (62 mph)


Design of Electric Light Vans for Environment-Impact Reduction is being processed in many places.


TV VIEWERS:See how it works on a new episode of#OutrageousActs.... 

Meet the jet engine bike. It's a pulse jet attached to an old bike!..


Friday 13 June 2014

Over Speed Indication And Automatic Accident Avoiding System For Four Wheeler

Over Speed Indication And Automatic Accident Avoiding System For Four Wheele

Why Over Speed Indication And Automatic Accident Avoiding System For Four Wheeler ?

 ALMOST all roads have specific road limits.Generally its difficult for driver to always look out for speed limit signs and adjust his speed accordingly.Over speed indicator is a device that tells the driver if he is exceeding the speed limit.With OVER SPEED INDICATOR,        you  can   be  sure   that   you   are   not   going  get   yourself   booked  for   over   speeding .
The   system   has   a   computer  which  stores   the   speed   limits   of  different   areas. The   GPS in  the  system
 feeds   the   exact   location   of  t he  car  to  the  computer  which  looks  up in  its  database to determine the 
permissible  speed  for  the  area and limits the car within the allowable speed.

Accident  Avoidance Systems in a four wheeler is a cocktail of several technological marvels.


In an emergency,many people do not depress the brake pedal hard enough. EBA senses an 
emergency braking situation and helps the driver to reduce speed in the shortest distance possible.


DSTC makes driving on twisty and slippery road conditions safer, by using sensors to detect whether any of the wheels is losing TRACTION
DSTC has the ability to cut the power in a flash,helping the car to regain its grip.If in any case the car shows a tendency to skid the,system automatically slows the particular wheels to maintain control.


EBD makes sure that the braking forces of the car are distributed between the front and the rear brakes in order to optimize the braking efficiency.


With ABS you can brake as hard as you can and steer yourself to safety without the fear of wheels locking up and skidding.


Using cameras set just below the outer rare view mirrors, the BSIS tell you if there is any vehicle in your blind spot.


Driving during the night becomes safe than ever with the night vision where one can see clearly on the control display even in pitch black. THANKS TO INFRA RED TECHNOLOGY !!!

This system is used to monitor speed of the vehicle and to avoid the accident by using the proximity sensors.
This over speed indication and automatic accident avoiding system senses the opposite vehicle by the ir proximity detector and stops both the engines and applies auto braking thus preventing the accident. This system is used to read and control the data from the vehicles. And then process it by using microcontroller. The lcd module displays the rpm and the speed of the vehicle. For over speed the alarm raises and alerts the driver.
This contains,
1) Accident sensing module and
2) Rpm Monitoring System
Advantage of these Systems:
1) Save Energy using automatic control systems
2) Less cost to communicate
3) Less power to automate

Gi-Bike — A Foldable Electric Bicycle Designed For Compact Transportation !


Three adopted New Yorkers have designed a foldabl electric bicycle designed to be a simple, affordable, and compact transportation solution. While your definition of “affordable” may vary, you can’t deny that the simple folding action of the Gi-Bike could make this riding machine a lot more convenient for apartment dwellers.

Designed by New Yorkers Agustin Agustinoy, Eric Sevillia, and Lucas Toledo, the Gi-Bike tips the scale at just 37 pounds and has an electric pedal assist good for up to 40 miles. So no, it isn’t a fully electric bicycle, but the real hook here is the single-motion folding ability, effectively cutting the Gi-Bike’s size in half. While it may not be as compact of the Sada Bike , it also seems a lot more practical and futuristic too. The Gi-Bike also includes a GPS device that will lock the bike when it leaves a certain area, and it can even recharge your smartphone.

The trio of inventors have turned to Kickstarter to get their project off the ground, and that’s where we see the real cost of innovation. Early adopters can get the Gi-Bike for $2,995, while the rest of us have to fork over $3,390. So far the trip has raised just over $35,000 of their $400,000 goal, though the design seems a lot more palatable and probable than certain other folding bicycle designs.

Will the Gi-Bike soon invade the streets and apartments of New York City…and beyond?



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